We will provide high-convenience and high-productivity services to make the city worth living in for residents and visitors. A symbolic initiative is the establishment of a living lab that will create the city’s future through communication and collaborative creation between industry, government, academia, and residents. As a result, a city will be realized that is created together by residents and companies. 

◆ Identification of social issues and city’s situation
   - Utilize digital, identify issues from residents’ perspective

◆ Attempt to improve and develop services
   - Resident’s ideas, service planning, and matching 

◆ Demonstration of services through collaboration between residents and companies
   - Demonstration of services, grant incentives for participation

◆ Identification of initiative outcomes and changes in the city
   - Town Index, service implementation, and standardization


  • Living lab as a testbed for the development of TMC projects
  • An open living lab that produces innovation
  • Expand the living lab to other regions

◆ Generate success stories as a space for innovation  

◆ Solution of B2C issues  

◆ Improve the brand value of the city 

◆ Recruitment for service leaders 

◆ City vitalization through promoting companies to use the city as a place for the demonstration of ideas, including B2B  

◆ Service demonstrations involving the Greater North Hanoi region 

◆ Horizontal deployment of living lab operation, data utilization mechanisms, and methods